
Wednesday 13 June 2012

So tired...

It has been a long time.  Aryana and Julia have been keeping me busy.  Aryana needs constant stimulation and fortunately Julia doesn't mind being dragged around everywhere. 

The flu has been going through our house and it seems to be a recurring one.  Just when I think all is well, someone is sick again.  Ben was feeling better yesterday, he actually ate something.  Today he feels sick again and hasn't eaten anything.  I hope everyone feels better soon. 

I really hope I don't get sick now because I'm scheduled for surgery on Monday, June 18.  I'm going in for a cerclage again.  I realize it isn't a very big and minimally invasive surgery but I'm still nervous.  The hardest is fasting when pregnant.  I usually need to eat about every hour so going without food between 12-18 hours really sucks.

I did have my first ultrasound yesterday.  The baby is measuring to be due on December 1, but my "dates" line up with December 14.  I'm usually right.  So it looks like it'll be a big BOY!  I'm really early in my pregnancy so it's not 100% but it seemed pretty obvious.  We didn't care if it was a boy or girl.  I can't imagine even having a boy or what to do with a boy.  I'm sure our little guy will guide us along.

Julia is at a really cute age right now.  She always blows kisses to say good bye to people it is really cute.  She is running everywhere.  I really enjoy when she picks out a book and plops down in my lap to read it.  She says a few words, "da-n" (daddy), "bub-bo" (bubble), cookie, tic tac, back pack (from DORA), Annika, "tst-tst choo choo" when a train goes by, and Elmo.  Even though Julia can't say much she can't certainly get her point across.  She is also getting a little bit of an attitude.

Aryana isn't as much of a hoarder anymore, thankfully, but she still has to pack before we leave the house.  She is potty trained...almost.  Number 2 seems to be a struggle but it's coming along.  She is starting to ride her tricycle.  I'm happy about that, she can entertain herself a little.  She still copies Julia a lot.  When do little sisters start copying the older sister instead of the reverse.  Aryana will grunt and point instead of talking, and she can speak really well.  She prefers the baby swing.  She is starting to use her utensils again, but I think that's just because Julia is eating with a fork and spoon now.

Phew, on my way to 3 kids.  I'm just looking forward to not feeling pregnancy exhausted anymore.

Saturday 19 November 2011


For those of you who know Aryana this will not be a surprise.  I just wanted to share what my hoarder/future crazy cat lady sleeps with in her bed.  The items change from night to night, this was last nights inventory.

She lies on 3 pillows.
Her black kitty affectionately called "Mew Mew", who is dressed in an 18 month sleeper and Julia's bib.
Her white kitty named "Sugar bowl" who is also dressed in an 18 month sleeper.
"Mew Mew's" blanket.
Her own blanket that used to be white and yellow but is now grey.
Lots-huggin'-bear from Toy Story.
Nemo stuffed toy.
An old teddy bear of mine.
Lamb stuffed toy.
Frog stuffed toy.

That is the end of the relatively normal items, now for the more eclectic items.

Princess Magic Disney book.
Winnie the Pooh Music book.
"Fox Makes Friends" book.
2 library books.
Magic wand.
Pair of training pants.
2 ice packs (sometimes they are right out of the freezer, other times they are warm because she carried them around all day).
Her Hello Kitty purse packed with:
  • 3 wooden cupcakes with icing
  • 4 wooden candles
  • contact case
  • wallet with 7 cards
  • "Boots" fish tank decoration (Boots from Dora the Explorer)
  • Ben's old Blackberry
  • 10 silicone cupcake holders
  • 10 wooden cookie icing
  • travel pack of kleenex (which Aryana has become very attached to the past couple of days)
Aryana does find a little nook in her bed to sleep.  I have found her wearing her kitty costume when I get her from her nap.  She also climbs in her closet, she has even taken down the shelves.  I try to find this all amusing but it is really frustrating when I have to carry every toy we own along with Julia in the car seat, purse, diaper bag and Aryana.  Hopefully this phase will pass.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Twinkle Treat

This will be short but I want to remember these things. My mom and I took Aryana and Julia trick or treating in my old neighbourhood. It was a first for both of them. Aryana was reluctant to go initially but once she figured out that she got treats she was eager to keep going. We only went to 5 houses but it was still fun. I was proud to show off my beautiful daughters to my neighbours who watched me grow up. My mom and I would yell "Trick or treat!" but Aryana thought we were yelling "Twinkle treat!" Julia basically had a blank stare while she was dressed in her lady bug costume.
Julia still isn't sitting.  She wants to keep on moving.  She is so curious about everything.  She is beginning to practice talking.  Her fist sound was "da da", then "ba ba".  When she started making the sounds she would whisper but now she is louder.  She hasn't said "ma ma" yet.

Julia loves being around people.  If someone doesn't acknowledge Julia before they leave the room , Julia will cry (especially if Ben does that).  Grandpa will carry Julia around in the crook of his arm and she is so content.  She'll squirm away from anyone else, but not with Grandpa.

Ben is finished his courses!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so happy about that.  He just has his Test of Professional Excellence to write now.  Ben assures me it won't take up as much time as his previous studies.  I am happy Ben is excelling at his career but it has been hard keeping the girls away from him all the time.  As Aryana put it so perfectly, "Daddy is finished his KAZAM!  Now we can have fun!"  Picture Aryana waving her arms in the air.

I have started potty training with Aryana.  She is doing pretty good.  She loves wearing her training pants that Auntie Karen got her from Minneapolis.  I am challenged to stay positive and be patient.  Not my strong traits at the moment.  When I get impatient with Aryana I get frustrated with myself which affects my attempt at having a positive attitude.  Aryana still wears diapers at naptime and bed time.  I kinda feel like I'm just training her to pee while she sleeps.  Oh well, this too shall pass.

Aryana loves dancing.  We have enrolled her in a dance class every Saturday morning.  She has a blast.  She goes with Ben so I don't have too many stories to share.  Oma takes her swimming on Thursdays, which Aryana also loves.  I look forward to seeing how she has progressed.  Aryana was quite scared of the water before.  I have noticed an improvement in the bath or shower.  She will wash her hair without screaming and isn't as scared of the water.

I guess it wasn't so short!

Monday 24 October 2011

Baby Sunshine

I titled my blog after Julia's nickname, baby Sunshine.  She is such a happy and content baby.  She loves to smile and giggle.  It's hard to believe she will be 8 months in a few days.  The time has flown by.

I feel a little guilty that I do not know Julia as well as I knew Aryana when she was this age.  Aryana demands a lot of my time and when she isn't I'm pretty exhausted so I'm not an energetic playmate for Julia.  But Julia knows she is loved and cared for.  I always think she wants more cuddles but when I try to cuddle with her she just squirms away.

She is not sitting yet.  I'm not too concerned though because it is more due to her curiosity than lack of development.  She arm crawls everywhere and she is starting to walk between people if you hold her hands.  I try to practice sitting with Julia but she just wants to stand.  She is not interested in books or the toys I place in front of her, she likes to explore on her own.

It is to my benefit that Julia is mild mannered.  Aryana will usually take the toy Julia just picked up to play with but Julia doesn't mind too much...yet.  I'm working on sharing with Aryana.  So far I've at least trained Aryana to bring Julia another toy if she takes the toy Julia had.
Currently Julia has been a little more fussy because she is teething.  This is a new experience for me.  Aryana did not experience any of the teething symptoms.  We would just look into her mouth and find a new tooth!

Julia isn't sleeping through the night yet.  I still get up once, occasionally twice, a night.  I think she needs to eat more during the day but she is so distracted by Aryana.  Julia doesn't want to eat she wants to play.  Aryana enjoys making Julia laugh.  I love to watch my daughters starting to interact with each other.  Julia thinks Aryana is the greatest.   Julia gives Aryana the biggest smiles and loves to watch her.

Incorporating solid foods into Julia's diet has been challenging.  She doesn't eat very much to begin with and she's a little picky (like her Mom).  This is new to me too, Aryana wasn't very picky and she ate a lot.  Aryana is a much pickier eater now.  Some days she will only eat toast.  Fortunately that isn't the norm.  Julia's favourite food right now is pears, she will gobble them up.

When Julia is excited she scrunches up her nose and and breaths really fast.  Below is a picture of her doing that. 

 Julia also sticks her tongue out a lot.  It's super cute!

 Julia at the park with Nana.  A few times a week during the summer I would jog to Nana's then take the girls to the park.  Nana would play with Julia and I would play with Aryana on the play structure.  It was a wonderful arrangement.  I loved it.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

A Long Time Coming

I attempted to post this blog in June...

I really intended not to neglect my second child and treat her the same as the first.  Another parental naiveté!!  So after 4 and a half months I would like to blog the announcement of my second daughter... Julia Azrielle Postma who was welcomed into this world on Monday, February 28, 2011 at 10:36 p.m. 

After our traditional Monday night dinner with the Postma family my contractions became strong and regular so I called Linda to watch Aryana (who was already in bed).  I was really apprehensive about calling Linda in case is was "false labour" because EVERYONE would know I went to the hospital.  But after only a couple hours of pacing the halls (they wouldn't admit me because I was only 3 centimetres dilated), Julia was born.  I know I've complained about this before, but why don't nurses listen to you?  I tried to tell her my labour would be fast but she just said, "It doesn't look like you're in enough pain."  I told her I wouldn't start screaming if that was what she was waiting for.  Anyways, I was very fortunate the doctor saw me in triage.  He took one look at me and said, "This baby is coming."  Within the hour Julia was born.  Oh yeah, our girls are 2 years and one day apart, Aryana's birthday is February 27!

From the moment Julia was born we could see the difference in personalities between Aryana and her.  She is a very mellow baby.  She is a pretty good sleeper and laid back.  Aryana adjusted well to having a little sister.  She didn't seem jealous at all until Grandma held Julia.  Aryana is slowly learning how to share her Grandma.  She tries to be helpful and take care of Julia but it usually ends up to be three times as much work for me. 

 Julia is on the verge of rolling over, loves to grab things and put them in her mouth, and is actually quite talkative.  Because Julia is so mellow I didn't think she would talk much but she makes sure she is heard above her big sister!

 Aryana hit her "terrible two's" a few weeks back.  But our TV has been "broken" for the last few days and her tantrums have decreased in both frequency and severity.  She is forced to play more, and read and sing with Mommy.  Getting supper prepared is  more difficult now but it is worth the trade!  We have also gotten rid of her soother (yu-yu).  Thank you Grandma  and Grandpa for "losing" it at Tim Hortons!

Aryana loves to read her books to us.  I am amazed how she can remember a whole book after just being read to once or twice.  It makes it more frustrating when I have to tell her to keep her food on her tray a million times!!!

Ben has been extremely busy.  He studied for and wrote 2 exams in the spring.  He successfully completed both.  Only 1 more exam until he earns his quantity surveying designation.  I'm really looking forward to him being done.  Ben has left Regent construction to expand his professional career.  He is currently working at Graham construction.  The company has branches all over Canada and the United States but they have just opened a new branch in Winnipeg.  So Ben is estimating multiple multi-million dollar jobs.  He seems really excited about his career.

Now that I don't feel ill all the time I am trying to become more active.  I have been pretty successful at keeping up a jogging regimen for the past 3 weeks.  I have also purchased Pilates DVD's but I haven't had the chance to try them out yet.  My evenings have been pretty busy and our TV is "broken" so I can't do it during the day with the girls!  Hopefully I can keep it up through the winter.  It is actually pretty easy to be active  now.  I don't get a lot of sleep so I usually wake up with a head ache.  The head ache goes away after I jog, saves me from suffering or taking a Tylenol!

Overall I have found the adjustment to being a mother of 2 much easier than becoming a mother initially.  What I found most difficult is sharing my time between the girls, Ben, maintaining the house and finding some time to rest.  Things have settled down a little and I'm not feeling so overwhelmed.  Now I just get to enjoy the 2 blessings named Aryana and Julia!

A Fresh Start

Since I can no longer post on my old blog site, Cinnamon Stix, I created a new blog to share my adventures with Aryana and Julia.